Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29th Eleven days in

Well, the first week or so of Project Magic Birthday Year was mildly successful. I have 22 new FB friends, have had 9 different bird sightings, exercised 4 hours (oops, not 5.5, but hey, it was raining and cold!) practiced about the same (can I use the rainy and cold excuse again?) and took a picture, as well as had a fresh bouquet of spring flowers in the house.

On the bird sighting, I so apologize for the low number. The varieties are not that great either, I just can't seem to attract them like my dad can. My nine bird sightings are: American Robin, House Sparrow, Blue Jay, Mockingbird, Mourning Dove, Starling, Mallard, Cardinal and Crow.
The mallard is more than the one seen at work - I believe we have a pair nesting somewhere in the shrubbery here in my own yard. Pappa Mallard has been laying watch in the afternoon, and Mamma Mallard has been seen in the vicinity as well. Hmm. I hope the neighborhood cat, Izzie, and the noisy (but fenced) dogs don't deter the Mallards from their goal.

New to the list, # 54, movie night with John - we saw "Up" on Saturday night - good movie, though John said it started out too sad. Yeah, a bit, perhaps.

And now for this week's German phrase for me to memorize:

Mein Name ist Janet!

3 guesses what that means . . . bis spater!!

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