Friday, June 4, 2010

Bird List

Here is a list of my sightings to date, I will add to this list as I see them!

1. American Robin
2. House sparrow
3. Blue Jay
4. Mockingbird
5. Mourning Dove
6. Starling
7. Mallard
8. Cardinal
9. American Crow
10. Goldfinch
11. Common Grackle
12. Canadian Goose
13. Cowbird
14. White-breasted nuthatch
15. Downy woodpecker
16. Yellow-rumped warbler
17. Rose-breasted grosbeak
18. Tennessee warbler
19. Carolina wren
20. Red-eyed vireo
21. Kingbird
22. Carolina chickadee
23. House wren
24. Bluebird
25. Field sparrow
26. Common yellowthroat
27. Red-bellied woodpecker
28. Eastern phoebe
29. Song sparrow
30. Kildeer
31. Red-winged blackbird
32. Turkey Vulture
33. Rock Dove
34. House Finch

My Magic Birthday Garden

The garden is planted, and pictures will post soon. This is item # 22 and here is a list of the flowers, mostly annuals, though there may be some perennials:

Crossandra - Orange marmalade
Zinnias - Magellan cherry
Salvia - Vista Red
Sunbini creeping zinnia
Yellow lantana
Marigolds - of course! my favorites
Honeydew Melon Sage
Osteospurmum - Tradewinds deep purple
Heliotrope - Marino blue
Coleus - pink chaos
Platycodon - Fuji pink (balloon flower)
State Fair zinnias